Volume 4

Faculty Editor
Ashley Dawson
The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Managing Editor
Gwendolyn Bradley

Assistant Editor
Ezra Deutsch-Feldman

Table of Contents

This volume of the Journal of Academic Freedom refers extensively to AAUP policy on academic boycotts. At the time that these articles were written, the current AAUP policy was described in the 2006 report On Academic Boycotts. In 2024, a new Statement on Academic Boycotts was published, which supersedes the 2006 report.

Editor's Introduction
By Ashley Dawson

Rethinking Academic Boycotts
By Marjorie Heins

Palestine, Boycott, and Academic Freedom:  A Reassessment Introduction
By Bill V. Mullen

Boycott, Academic Freedom, and the Moral Responsibility to Uphold Human Rights
By Omar Barghouti

The Israeli State of Exception and the Case for Academic Boycott
By David Lloyd and Malini Johar Schueller

Boycotts against Israel and the Question of Academic Freedom in American Universities in the Arab World
By Sami Hermez and Mayssoun Soukarieh

Changing My Mind about the Boycott
By Joan W. Scott

Academic Freedom Encompasses the Right to Boycott: Why the AAUP Should Support the Palestinian Call for the Academic Boycott of Israel
By Rima Najjar Kapitan

Market Forces and the College Classroom: Losing Sovereignty
By Michael Stein, Christopher Scribner, and David Brown

Academic Freedom from Below: Toward an Adjunct-Centered Struggle
By Jan Clausen and Eva-Maria Swidler

Readers Respond

Cary Nelson: Academic Boycotts Reconsidered

Ernst Benjamin: Why I Continue to Support the AAUP Policy in Opposition to Academic Boycotts

Emily Budick: Response to JAF Volume Four

Joshua A. Fogel: Say It Ain’t So, Joan

Kenneth Waltzer: Narrowing Academic Freedom, Discriminating against Israeli Nationals

Gerald M. Steinberg: Boycotts, Bias and Politics in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Kenneth L. Marcus and Sitara Kedilaya: The Very Foundations of the University

Samuel M. Edelman: Binding Academic Freedom with Ideological Bonds

Peter Haas: Clear, Simple, and Wrong

USACBI Organizing Collective: Letter to Ashley Dawson

Chad Alan Goldberg: Why the Left Should Oppose Academic Boycotts

Roderick A. Ferguson and Jodi Melamed: Academic Freedom with Violence

Authors Respond

David Lloyd: Response to Cary Nelson and Ernst Benjamin

Bill V. Mullen: Response to Cary Nelson

Malini Johar Schueller: Response to Cary Nelson and Ernst Benjamin

Rima Kapitan: On Myths, Straw Men and Academic Freedom

Editor’s Statement